Find answers to some of the questions often asked by Investors.

What is Viva Energy’s ASX Code?

Our ASX code is VEA.

What is Viva Energy’s fiscal year?

Our fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

Who are the auditors for Viva Energy?

Our auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Who maintains Viva Energy’s share register?

Our share register is maintained by MUFG Corporate Markets, who can be contacted by phone on +61 1300 554 474 or by email to

How do I change my investor details (e.g. name, address, payment method)?

You can view and update your holding details, including tax number or ABN, contact details and communications preferences, by visiting our share registry website

How can I obtain a copy of Viva Energy’s annual report?

The Annual Report can be downloaded from the Company Reports section in the Investor Centre. As a shareholder, you may elect to receive, free of charge, a copy of the annual report for each financial year and you can choose whether to receive each annual report in hard copy or electronically. To make that election you must log into your online account at and elect your communications preference

When are dividends paid?

Dividends are paid in arrears for the six months ending 30 June (interim dividend) and 31 December (final dividend) each year. Please note that the payment of any dividend by Viva Energy is at the discretion of the Directors. To receive your dividends, please update your banking details by contacting Link Market Services +61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia), or you can update your details at