What is Viva Energy’s ASX Code?
Our ASX code is VEA.
What is Viva Energy’s fiscal year?
Our fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
Who are the auditors for Viva Energy?
Our auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Who maintains Viva Energy’s share register?
Our share register is maintained by MUFG Corporate Markets, who can be contacted by phone on +61 1300 554 474 or by email to [email protected]
How do I change my investor details (e.g. name, address, payment method)?
You can view and update your holding details, including tax number or ABN, contact details and communications preferences, by visiting our share registry website www.mpms.mufg.com/en/mufg-corporate-markets
How can I obtain a copy of Viva Energy’s annual report?
The Annual Report can be downloaded from the Company Reports section in
the Investor Centre. As a shareholder, you may elect to receive, free of
charge, a copy of the annual report for each financial year and you can
choose whether to receive each annual report in hard copy or
electronically. To make that election you must log into your online
account at www.mpms.mufg.com/en/mufg-corporate-markets and elect your communications preference
When are dividends paid?
Dividends are paid in arrears for the six months ending 30 June
(interim dividend) and 31 December (final dividend) each year. Please
note that the payment of any dividend by Viva Energy is at the
discretion of the Directors. To receive your dividends, please update your banking details by contacting MUFG Corporate Markets +61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia), or you can update your details at www.mpms.mufg.com/en/mufg-corporate-markets
Can I reinvest my dividends?
Viva Energy offers a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) to allow investors to automatically reinvest all or part of their dividend to acquire additional Viva Energy shares without incurring brokerage, commissions or other transaction costs.
Participation in the DRP is voluntary. If you are a Viva Energy shareholder with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand, and you wish to participate in the DRP, please read the DRP rules and the DRP FAQs set out below and make your election to participate.
Elections can be made online using the Investor Login on our Share Registry’s website at https://au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com/ or by completing the DRP election form available below and following the instructions set out within the form.
Once you have made an election to participate in the DRP, your participation will be under the terms of the DRP rules and your election will continue until you provide notice of a change in your participation (via the Share Registry or by submitting the form available below), cease to be an eligible shareholder or the Viva Energy Board, at its discretion, suspends or terminates the DRP.
DRP rules
DRP election form