Meeting the needs of Australian industries

For over 60 years our Geelong Refinery has been making solvents for businesses big and small. Today we’re the only major producer of hydrocarbon solvents in the country, and we remain committed to manufacturing in Australia.

We have the capability to produce a wide range of solvents, whether they’re cut straight from crude oil or require further refining or blending, and we’re always looking for new solvents that will meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Reliable quality and supply

Our solvents are used by customers across a range of industries, such as coatings, resin, mining, agchem, pharmaceutical, timber and bitumen, to name a few. The success of our customers depends on the consistent quality and reliable supply of our solvents.

Together with our distributors, we can deliver a complete range of high quality solvents, blended to order and in a variety of sizes, from small retail packs to bulk deliveries, by truck or isotainer from our bulk storage tanks directly to your facility.


In-depth technical expertise

Our team of technical specialists is available whenever you need advice or assistance. Our experts provide more than just technical support; they create innovations and solutions.

We are the only hydrocarbon solvent supplier in Australia with laboratory facilities. That means we can analyse products in-depth and develop new products, which is a huge benefit for our customers.

We can:


Choose Australian made solvents

Solvents used in the manufacture of products must have specific properties for those products to be effective. Our team has the resources, technical capability and skills to ensure that the world-class solvents we manufacture right here in Australia are on-grade and fit for whatever purpose our customers require.

Download our Solvents Product Chart

Our Technical Data Sheets provide a comprehensive list of our solvent products and their applications in various industries.

Carbon neutral product alternatives are available and offered on an opt-in basis.

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