Transferring our products safely from A to B

To ensure the integrity of our pipelines, we carry out regular maintenance work and perform inspections that include daily vehicle patrols and pipeline condition surveys.

We also work with regulators, developers, property owners, councils, and road and rail authorities to ensure any proposed development around our pipelines is planned appropriately and complies with relevant State regulations and Australian standards.

Living near a high pressure pipeline

Buried pipelines transport crude oil and petroleum products over long distances, and at very high pressure. If you plan to dig or build near a pipeline, following some basic rules will ensure your safety as well as the safety of people living or working nearby.

You must contact Viva Energy to obtain the locations of our pipelines when you are planning to work or develop near them. Warning signs are positioned at regular intervals above the ground to identify that a pipeline is in the vicinity, but these are not an exact indicator of the pipeline’s location.


If a pipeline crosses your property

If you have a pipeline easement registered on the title of your property, and/or pipeline markers indicating the presence of a pipeline where you live, there are conditions that specify what you can and cannot do near the pipeline. These may include activities such as:

You must receive written approval from Viva Energy BEFORE you undertake any of these activities near our pipelines.

Further information

New South Wales

Download Community Information Pipelines and Easements NSW
Download Pipeline Maintenance NSW


Download Community Information Pipelines and Easements VIC
Download Pipeline Maintenance VIC

Accordion End

Information for Planners and Developers

Our pipelines are designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the relevant State Pipelines Acts, Pipelines Regulations and Australian Standards (AS 2885 Pipelines − gas and liquid petroleum).

Risks can increase if the land use changes around the pipeline from when it was constructed, so we require planners and developers to work with us early in their planning processes, and incorporate any safety requirements during the design and construction phases of their proposed developments.

This is particularly important when making changes to or planning for new sensitive land use developments, such as aged care facilities, hospitals, medical centres, schools, childcare centres and kindergartens.


Further information

New South Wales

Download Developers and Council NSW


Download Developers and Council VIC

We’re here to help

Please contact us to discuss how we can help in the early stages of your planning, to ensure the safety and timeliness of your development project and the safety of our critical infrastructure.

Developments can be conducted safely in the vicinity of high-pressure pipelines, as long as the associated risks are managed according to the requirements set out in the Australian standards.

We collaborate with local authorities and regulators to ensure safe land use around high-pressure pipelines. We can also provide a planning overlay, to help identify our pipelines and other assets.

Please speak to us about:

For general information and requirements when planning to work or develop near our transmission pipelines watch Our Pipeline Awareness and Safety module.


Before You Dig Australia

Before You Dig Australia is a free national community service established to prevent damage and disruption to the vast network of pipelines and cables that provide Australia with essential services such as fuel, electricity, gas, communications and water.

Plan ahead and visit the Before You Dig Australia website at You have a legal duty of care to take all appropriate steps to identify and locate pipelines and buried services and to protect them from damage or interference due to your work.

You can book a free Before You Dig Australia awareness session and learn more about safe work practices around pipelines please here:

Before You Dig Australia VIC/TAS


Further information

New South Wales

Download Land Use Near Pipelines NSW
Download Conditions For Works Near Pipelines NSW


Download Land Use Near Pipelines VIC
Download Conditions For Works Near Pipelines VIC

Accordion End

Melbourne Airport Jet Pipeline Project

Contact us

Pipeline enquiries:

Phone: 1800 945 223 
Email (NSW): [email protected]
Email (VIC): [email protected]