Dividend Reinvestment Plan
Viva Energy has established a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) which will apply to the FY2024 final dividend at a discount of 1.5% of the volume weighted average price (VWAP) for Viva Energy shares sold in the ordinary course of trading on the ASX during the five trading days commencing 12 March 2025 and otherwise in accordance with the DRP rules.
Participation in the DRP is voluntary. If you are a Viva Energy shareholder with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand, and you wish to participate in the DRP, please read the DRP rules and the DRP FAQs set out below and make your election to participate.
If you want to participate in the DRP for the FY2024 final dividend, you need to make an election by 5PM, Tuesday, 11 March 2025.
Elections can be made online using the Investor Login on our Share Registry’s website at https://au.investorcentre.mpms.mufg.com/ or by completing the DRP election form available below and following the instructions set out within the form.
Once you have made an election to participate in the DRP, your participation will be under the terms of the DRP rules and your election will continue until you provide notice of a change in your participation (via the Share Registry or by submitting the form available below), cease to be an eligible shareholder or the Viva Energy Board, at its discretion, suspends or terminates the DRP.
DRP rules
DRP election form
The OTR offer
The Investor Centre provides information on Viva Energy’s share price, ASX announcements, financial reports, presentations and other relevant reports.