Fuel for New South Wales

Fuel products imported into our Gore Bay Terminal include diesel, marine fuel oil, jet fuel and gasoline.

We only store marine diesel and fuel oil at the terminal. We do not store gasoline or jet fuel as these are pumped directly to our Clyde Terminal in Western Sydney for storage and distribution.

The Gore Bay Terminal operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Environmental compliance

We operate our Gore Bay Terminal in compliance with conditions set out in an Environment Protection Licence (EPL 661) issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).

Learn more about the data we monitor

Prepared for emergencies

We have a comprehensive emergency response plan for Gore Bay Terminal that involves documented procedures, staff training, and maintaining a register of hazardous goods. We conduct regular inter-agency emergency response exercises to test our emergency response plans.

As part of our operating requirements in NSW, we prepare and publish a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP).


Site alarm

The alarm at Gore Bay Terminal is a vital way of ensuring that our people on-site respond to incidents quickly and safely.

When activated, the alarm will sound continuously for 50 seconds with an alternating pitch, from high to a muffled low.

We test the alarm every Tuesday at 8:30am. If you hear it at any other time, an on-site incident has occurred that requires attention by terminal personnel.

The community does not need to take action when the alarm sounds unless instructed by the Police or Emergency Services. In case of an emergency please call 000.

We offer local residents free fridge magnets with information about our alarm. If you would like one, please complete our online feedback form and include your postal address (or pick up a magnet from the terminal gatehouse located on Manns Avenue).

Community engagement

We keep the local community updated about relevant activities at the Gore Bay Terminal.


Community Newsletters Archive

Download our Community Update – 2020
Download our Community Update – 2019

For more information


24 hour line (including complaints): +61 2 8437 1238
In case of an Emergency: 000


124 Greenwich Road (security gatehouse entry via Manns Avenue)
Greenwich NSW 2065


Use our contact form

Email [email protected]
Call +61 3 5273 8530
Post: External Communications, GPO Box 872, Melbourne VIC 3001