Gas Terminal hearing concluded

05 Aug 2022

The public hearing into Viva Energy’s proposed Gas Terminal in Geelong, a key part of the project’s Environment Effects Statement (EES) approval process, concluded today. Over a seven-week period, submissions and presentations from community, stakeholders, regulators, Viva Energy and subject matter experts have put forward their views on the project to the Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC). 

Through this process, members of the IAC panel have been taken through the detailed independent technical studies that were undertaken to assess the challenges, potential risks and benefits of the project, and had an opportunity to question the expert witnesses.

Viva Energy’s Gas Terminal Project Manager Rob Mackie thanked more than 100 individuals and organisations that took part in the EES hearing, including the IAC members, the independent experts and members of the community who gave up their time to contribute to the process.

“The 18-month EES process and the seven-week public hearing demonstrate what a rigorous system is in place to ensure this project only proceeds if it is safe and minimises any impacts on the community and environment,” Mr Mackie said. “Throughout this process we have set out to demonstrate how this project will deliver critical infrastructure for Victoria that will safely deliver a reliable supply of gas to address the real and growing gas shortage.”

The eastern Australia gas market has experienced significant disruption this winter, from both local and international factors. The Australian Energy Market Operator forecasts substantial gas supply shortfalls in the back half of this decade, and Viva Energy’s proposed Gas Terminal would provide substantial capacity to the system, be an efficient and flexible solution to those shortfalls and smooth the transition to a lower carbon economy. 

“There are more than 2 million households and 65,000 businesses in Victoria that rely on gas for hot water, cooking, space heating and energy for manufacturing and other processes. The proposed terminal brings a supply solution directly to where the gas is most needed, in the wider Melbourne area, without the need for expensive additional pipeline infrastructure,” Mr Mackie said. “Under all scenarios discussed in the Victorian Government’s recent Gas Substitution Roadmap, gas forms a significant part of the energy mix until the 2040s.”

The Geelong site is ideally located for the terminal, utilising an existing port and industrial zone, with access to a highly skilled manufacturing workforce.

The IAC will now prepare its report, which will be provided to the Minister for Planning for assessment. 


For more information:

Media Enquiries
Michael Cave
T: +61 409 647 910
E: [email protected]

About Viva Energy

Viva Energy (ASX: VEA) is one of Australia’s leading energy companies and supplies approximately a quarter of the country’s liquid fuel requirements. It is the exclusive supplier of high-quality Shell fuels and lubricants in Australia through an extensive network of more than 1,330 service stations across the country.

Viva Energy owns and operates the strategically located Geelong Refinery in Victoria, and operates bulk fuels, aviation, bitumen, marine, chemicals and lubricants businesses supported by more than 20 terminals and 55 airports and airfields across the country.