Viva Energy today announced the commencement of the 30 day public exhibition period for the Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the proposed Gas Terminal Project, overseen by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).
Viva Energy’s proposed Gas Terminal at Geelong Refinery, comprising of a Floating Gas Terminal, extension to Refinery Pier, a treatment facility and a 7km pipeline will be assessed through the most rigorous and integrated environmental impact assessment process in Victoria. It is a key project for Viva Energy’s Geelong Energy Hub which together with the previously announced plan to increase diesel storage at the site, would extend and consolidate the Company’s role in meeting the fuel and gas energy security needs of Victoria.
The Gas Terminal would deliver a new and critical supply of natural gas to south-east Australia in time to avoid projected gas shortages in coming years. While gas substitution with renewable electricity and other emerging energies provides a possible long-term solution to declining gas reserves, this will take many years and in many applications there are no obvious alternatives.
Gas Terminal Project Manager, Rob Mackie, said “The completion of the EES is a significant milestone, and I am excited to be able to share the complete findings, assessments and conclusions from this major body of work completed over the last 15 months.”
The studies show how the Gas Terminal would operate safely alongside Viva Energy’s refinery and that the healthy marine life in Corio Bay would continue to flourish. The EES also outlines how we would minimise the environmental footprint of the terminal through innovative design and initiatives such as recycling seawater in refinery operations.
“Additionally, Viva Energy has committed to offset any residual carbon emissions (Scope 1 & 2) from the terminal construction and operation.”
The Gas Terminal would generate jobs for 150-200 people during construction and create 50-70 permanent jobs and new skills in Geelong.
The EES and related documentation are now publicly available. Please see our website for further information on how electronic and hard copies can be accessed and the public submission process.
Public Access to EES Documents
The public can now access the EES and related key approval documentation, being the draft Planning Scheme Amendment, the EPA development licence application and the pipeline licence application. They can be accessed at
Copies of the EES will also be available to view at the Corio Library, Geelong Library and Heritage Centre, and the State Library Victoria.
At over 13,000 pages, the full EES is a large document, and interested parties are requested to access the materials online if possible, to minimise environmental impacts from printing.
An information pack containing the complete EES and supporting material on USB is also available on request. Hard copies can be requested in limited circumstances, at a fee of $50 (to cover printing and postage). For those who may have accessibility issues, or where electronic options are impracticable, hard copies may be requested free of charge.
These can be ordered online or from Viva Energy (contact details below).
Submission Process
During the public exhibition period, members of the public will be able to make written submissions. The public submission process is independently managed by Planning Panels Victoria. Submissions can be made using the Engage Victoria submissions page
Where a submitter is unable to lodge a submission online, contact Planning Panels Victoria (PPV) through the DELWP Customer Call Centre on 136 186.
Submissions on the EES, draft Planning Scheme Amendment (PS), EPA development licence application and the pipeline licence application must be made in writing and received by 11:59pm on 11 April 2022. More information on how to make a submission is available online.
Contact us for further information or to order EES materials.
Phone: 1800 515 093